I am currently supervising the rebuild of a factory trawler, and we are for the first time using all stainless in the factory area of the ship...

we are using Herl valves, and oh man those things are heavy... I have never really liked Herl, cause the previous valves we have used from them have required two men and three meters of pipe as a lever to turn the spindle...

these ones turned nicely however, but a DN 80 valve weighed close to 20 Kg... I picked one up and carried it out to another engineer, and held it up in one hand, trying not to turn red or sound strained as asked him if he could hold it and guess what he thought it weigh...

He grabbed the handwheel, and as soon as he had his hands on I let go, and he stumbled two steps forward going Whooooah

anyone else have any experience with herl, or any other manufacture of stainless steel valves?