Ok here on the coast we have a rather nice, albeit small, bakery, they got a bad deal though, I had the stuff to fix a machine and the only way they could pay was with appreciation and food! (and great food it was, I was happy to be able to help) So obviously they can't afford a huge A/C and such.

I was thinking that some old scrap evaps could be easily set to use water to help take the edge off of the place by removing humidity and such. The building (Neglecting the sub roof space) is 12,000CF (340 Cubic Meters)
and for two Air changes an hour I figure a 400CFM (11.3 CMM)Fan would do nicely, and with the city water @ 16c and the ambient air floating from 30c to 20c (Depends if the ovens are running) will give an average of 8c delta or better.

So my question is would this work well enough to bother pursuing? Are my numbers horridly off? Or am I wonderfully happy ignorant of some reason that will make it totally fail all out??

Right now I have not selected any type of coil, I was thinking of using the condenser out of a couple old dehumidifiers who's, compressors have burnt out.