Hi, ive been given the opportunity through a contact from my dad to become either an apprentice electrician or an apprentice refigeration engineer. Considering im 23, have done a degree in sports science and know how many people want a job in these areas, im both honoured and excited by the opportunity. However, im pretty sure that im not going to be able to become an apprentice electrician because im red-green colour blind and JTL will only provide funding for people with "normal colour vision". Personally, living in a world where there is supposed to be no discrimination I find this quite annoying. Especially as there arent even any solid green wires so its unlikely i could ever get a green and red wire mixed up. Anyway, I was undecided on which option would be better for me but this has sort of forced my hand. Then I had a horrible thought, will the same rules apply to a refrigeration engineer? Ive looked at a few websites such as learndirect and they do stipulate that you should have "normal colour vision" but others dont specify. I was wondering if any one could help? I really dont want to work in an office for the rest of my life!