Hello everyone,
I am currently designing the capillary section of the refrigeration system for my R290 cold trap. I understand that the capillary should be connected to the suction line to enhance the cooling of the capillary and slightly increase the temperature of the suction line, reducing the likelihood of liquid refrigerant returning to the compressor. As shown in the attached image, I plan to install a small accumulator after the evaporator to ensure any residual liquid refrigerant is fully evaporated. Given that my suction line is relatively short, approximately 60 cm, I believe there isn't sufficient space to achieve optimal coupling with the capillary. Consequently, I am considering coiling the capillary around the accumulator to improve heat exchange. It's important to note that this component is not the filter drier, which is also visible in the image. I am curious about any potential drawbacks of wrapping the capillary around the accumulator, especially considering the limited length of my suction line, which falls short of the recommended 100cm for coupling.
Thank you for any advice you can provide.
