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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2023
    Rep Power

    Daikin Multi - Old system

    Hi all, new to the forum (this or any) Got here searching the web and, actaully, the only result on google realetd to the air con pointed me here! hope to get some help (wont be able to contribute much since i dont know muchh about the subject!).

    My setup is "similar" to below thread, but i have:

    One outside DAIKIN MULTI unit, model MY 90 BY1 and 5 indoor units FTY 223 AV1


    I dont have any user manual/install manual nor i can find them online. Seems these procucts went "offline"! i cant even tell if this system refrigerant is R22 (the plate model doenst inform on that)

    All units turn on and heat ok.

    one of the units doesnt reply yto the remote. But if i press (with a Pen) a small pinned type button on the unit, it works. What can be causing the issue of not working (the remote works ok on the other units)?

    I also cant seem to find a way to open the cover to clean the fan, after so many years it makes a lot of noise on high speeds (probably debris there)

    Well, hope someone can assist/help this lurker here!!the house belonged to my father who recently passed away, being why i dont have any ohter info on it but am sure he did request yearly maintennace up until his death.

    many thanks and appologies for my non-native english!
    Last edited by frosasanto; 20-11-2023 at 01:31 PM.

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