I'm sure I asked this before but can't find the thread :-o

I've had a lot of different opinions from different engineers, some aay what I want to do will work, some say it won't work at all

I'm using truck body freezers as blast freezers (with my own equipment on them)

expanding and adding 7 more

I'm trying to get the best out of what I already have / what I buy

I'm thinking about adding heat exchanges to the liquid lines to chill them using a water chiller

water chiller seams the best option here, good second hand units are quite cheap, I appreciate direct cooling via refrigeration would be better but it would be murder to balance the system out if I have 20 separate systems all running at different loads and temperatures

I have an abundance of solar power, so power use / efficiency isn't as important as it normally is

I thought about this originally for summer time high temperatures, but now I'm wondering if it would be better to run year round

I guess my questions are...

is it worth it?
will it work?
how will it effect system capacity?
should I cool before or after the receiver? - liquid line to evaporator is much simpler, but would pre-receiver be better?

looking at the capacity chard of my condensing units, for example...

will cooling just the liquid line to the evaporator shift me up the capacity chart?

e.g. -20 evap temp
27'C evap/ambient temp is 7.75kw cooling
43'C evap/ambient temp is 5.80kw cooling

almost 2kw difference... will chilling the liquid line increase system capacity like this?