Hi to all!

I have a daikin checker in my company. I was going to take it in the field and thus installed software on my laptop and tried to check if it works is sensor input mode. It seems that thingy doesnt work any more.

Maybe I do something wrong like got stuck and cannot see some simple things??

The COM port works OK, I can type to the line trough the port monitoring software and recieve back symbols sent via the jumper wire between TxD and RxD terminals on DB9 connector.

When checker 3 software try to request the data from checker device the software sends "ZXZXZX..." in ASCII and in 15-20 seconds software shows window with error 6-1. After the window is shown there is "ACACAC..." in the Tx line and when i press OK button in the window it sends one "SP".

Absolute silence in the Rx line from checker device. DTR line from laptop is at low level (-12 V) maybe this is the problem??

Any ideas before i will dismantle it further)))??