Hello guys,
I'm new to this forum and i need some help concerning the charging of AC systems:

I'm working on a project where i need to to charge the AC circuit of a car ( on a bench test) with liquid. I understand that we can do this by putting the refrigerant tank upside down. but what i m trying to achieve isto perform a very fast charging. so i'm thinking of a system to do so.

My thoughts are:
- Heat the refrigerant tank to 40° so that pressure will go up to (10 bar for R134a).
- Connect the ref tank to a compressor and a restriction to help build up my pressure, (then to a condensor), then to my benchtest.

The problem with that is there are risks of exploision while heating the tank.

I'm also wondering if pumps can be used to pump refrigerant from the tank ( r134a).

Do you guys have some ideas to help.
Thank you