OK the above title is a given fact, which usually manifests itself in the same when we walk along a footpath.
Only for the last three days, I have been on a site where the bulk of the staff are Eastern European.
So most of the signage has Eastern languages as well as English. Nothing new there eh!
You may even come across a more multi cultural mix where there are signs in the gents.
Asking users not to squat on top of the toilet seats!
Anyway on said site I noticed that if I tried to walk along any of the footpaths on the left.
I was in danger of being forced to walk back the way I came.
Due to the at times, large numbers of Site staff coming the other way. After the first day I started to adopt the same L/Hand drive principal. My passage onsite became almost unhindered.
I even started to play the "spot the Brit!" where an individual would walk against the oncoming tide.
Quite a sight especially at break times.

Nothing to do with fridge I know, but many others must experience these "Food sites" with
a lot of "Agency" Staff?
One Ice Cream Factory I worked at before it was sold off had signage in 7 languages!

Not knocking the staff in any way they all work hard in conditions most would not tolerate.

Just observing life and noting how, We all find common ground eventually!