I hope my message isn't out of place here but it seems that RE was the best place to come to get some expert opinion. Apologies if it's not.

I've a 5 year old FF (owner manual: http://dl.owneriq.net/7/7477f180-011...a24b9025cf.pdf) which has stopped refrigerating and freezing overnight. The condenser was clean but there was a fair collection of dust under the unit, which I've cleaned along with any dust around the compressor and the cavity it sits in.

There is a small amount of corrosion on the pipes leading to and from the compressor, photographed here:


Based on what I've read here, is this due to coolant leaking? The fridge 'alerts' me when it goes over 4 degrees c and nothing went off. I've read that a coolant leak would result in a temp drop from over days not hours.

The unit is on, the digital display tells me the fridge is 16 degrees and the freezer is 4 degrees. The compressor is very hot but doesn't sound as though it's operating. I can force compressor operation for 30 minutes by using the 'shopping' function but changing the thermostat to a lower temp (1 degree) does nothing.

Any advice appreciated. Is this a DIY job? Do I need to call out a pro or would it be more economical to get a new one?
