I produce a high temp heat pump now called "super heat pumps" bla bla bla. Producing hot water 85C+
So last week I was out training/commissioning a system, with a contractor, his foreman and boy.
So well over 100 years experience.
We were trying to measure the temp of the water leaving the machine. The pipe was 1/2" (or the size of magoo,s old fellow when he working in a blast tunnel). We had 7 different instruments 20 different probes, (surface, clamp, and so on) Do you think we could get any form of reasonable and/or repeatable reading. Not a cat in shows chance! We taped, insulated, wiggled, when for a cuppa. Readings all over the place, all we new was that when we used our finger, it was F***ing hot, as I would expect.
To fix the problem, we just disconnected the pipe and inserted the probes directly into the flow, all came right all reading with 1C "good enough for me anyway"
So the question should we just trust what our instruments are saying, are we loosing the feel for our job! Or am I and my mates bloody useless?