I was shocked to see a LPG sticker on a diesel locomotive train i was working on the other day.
The system has no gas and had about 10 metres of flexible hose which has a few leaks.
This train also has a fire a few days ago . The air con hasent been working for a few months though.

There is a guy in a different state who has put this gas in a few different units ,
my mate suspects he doesnt have a refrigerant handling license so is using LPG .
I said r290 is not LPG from your local fuel station used for your barbeque .

Does anyone live in Australia and know much about R290 the laws or how you get it?
I wouldnt mind finding this guy and getting him in trouble .

Another random guy is using normal oil or fuel hose instead of refrigerant hose.
Im not to sure but it doesnt look like the stuff we use. Is this just going to break down and leak?