Am 27, been in the fridge game a fair few years now, and for some reason engineers that ave met from europe to nz between the ages of 36-45 (theres some older not all bad) have been awesome like you wouldnt believe no matter how dumbarse of a question I would ask or mistake ave mad they would be like ''allgood'' this is why youve done it and and this is how you you fix it,

I have to take my hat of to these guys and generally think thats why theres still engineers coming through the ranks to day as a engineer told me once ''Everyday a learning Curve'' and why I made it through mine.

I have also notice that these engineers have had shakey or bad experiences being in the fridge world as at some stage we all do, but no matter what, they are always there on the phone or next to you getting you out off the *@#*...

but then you have the no it alls who get a buzz off knowing information and making a big fuss about giving you a hand or down grading you in the office in the morning. Not realising that somtimes we make mistakes or just dont understand whats going on so they make a bigger fuss and use terminolgy that (is correct) but no one uses or understands to make themselves feel good!! which ave seen on some of the replies in the forums. Sad case

But heres to the Engineers that give the guy who struggling to make his way in the fridgey world some time and respect!