Good Evening Gents & Ladies & Install

I need to shall we say retrofit a problem, the problem being I have a tea-leaf in the house, its her sprogg not mine & have suffered many years of funds & objects getting up & just walking off, it tots up to a few 'k' over the years & today was the oak tree that broke the camels back. I got a call from a supplier saying my kite has bounced, yet I know there was plenty of funds in the account to cover it....After checking with the man that likes to say 'no'.. I was informed the account is empty

It turns out there was a online transaction, which has been carried out by me

Doing some digging I find this me, was actually her 19 year old sprogg who has clocked me I presume over many occasions logging in and has noted the log in details.. this obviously can not be done with looking over me shoulder just once as there is a long number (bank supplied) on fisrt own made up number on the second & then the programme asks for 3 numbers at random of another 6 (bank supplied)

My first reaction was not good as can be imagined, but now I am stuck she will not agree to me reporting her little mare & this means the bank will not reinburse & I will have to use a credit card

My question's are how would you deal with this & how would you put an end to this for good...without just up & leaving them to it ???