Quote Originally Posted by Segei View Post
I'm not an expert in venturi effect, but I have 2 concerns about this widget.
1. To create venturi, we need significant pressure difference between pressure in this vessel and suction pressure. This pressure difference will not be significant.
2. In verturi, main flow will suck secondary flow. As far as I know, main flow should be significantly greater than secondary flow. For example 10:1. Assume that flash gas is 20% of total gas flow. 80% of gas create by net refrigeration effect. It means that that 1 part of main flow will suck 4 parts of secondary flow. This will not happen.
It is unlikely to be a venturi (as you know it) I have left this part open to what it actually is, Basically it is a Thermal Vapour Compresssor (TVR) or some form Condell effect mover. (these devices use less mass flow for the motive force as the driver).

Your are not really sucking, as this applies a stastic flow, as we know we have flow through the suction.

The first question has to be does it have the potential to work, and how to we prove what the results would be in a perfect world.
Secondly if the question is yes then what piece of equipment is required to achieve the results.

I have formulated my own calculations, and have built a test rigg(s) to test. Thats does not mean my method is correct, nor the parts chosen for the test rigg are even close to what is required.