Hi Everyone,

I am new at in this industry about three months. We are using Frick RWF II H270 with amonia. we were using because last week our frick shaft seal begun to leaking too much. we called and informed common service. they came and took our frick to their service. I went with the compressor. at there when they disassembly we saw that there are a lot of burrs on the screws. we saw big and deep burrs on the cover which is place is side of volumizeer valve. and we saw some burrs on the roller bearings. and there is a problem with the colour of screws. near the cover the screws colour is about dirty yellow but shaft seal side is normal metal colour.
now we are looking into how these were happened. service said that compressor sucked liquid amonia. but in the same pipe line we have two sabroe.

can somebody explain this problem to me? and I have no manual about this Frick. so I don't know the toleration between with two screws %? And can somebody explain the buurs on the screws.?

And I am looking for the manual for FRICK RWF II H 270?
My email centetic@gmail.com.

thanks everybody...