Hi Guys!
Through experience some of my colleagues and I have adopted the practise of.
Cutting a segment off the top of any Oil drums we use to drain oil into or Purge into.
This allows for a fast and easy identification of what is in the drum.
In fact I now date and sign any oil drums as to whether they are part used good oil or waste oil.

This may seem a little over the top.
But I have known Engineers to mistake drums of Water with oil residue on top.
As "fresh oil", in one case I inherited a 8 cylinder recip, which this had happened to!
Resulting in a complete rebuild and that company being thrown off site!

This misinterpretation was quite rare but as sites have less "bespoke" Engineers and Reilly on us contractors more.
Similar is starting to happen again.

Most of the modern training seems to point out whose responsibility the waste oil is.
And particularly how it is stored.
However in the real world the above can happen all the more frequently.
Has anyone encountered similar?