I was hoping to get some advice on making a homemade fridge for storing and dispensing draft beer. I'm obviously not a refridgeration engineer, I'm actually a pro brewer, so I'd really appreciate the opinions of anybody willing to help.

What I would like to do is use the cooling components of a standard residential refridgerator to cool a custom made box. This would be for use in my home, not in a brewery. The box would be very close to the same volume of a fridge, the dimensions would just be different. I want a box that will store kegs better than a regular fridge (not as tall, easier access to the top of kegs, good spot to mount faucets, etc). The box would be a wood frame with styrofoam insulation.

Is this possible? If it is, any advice? I'm pretty handy, so I don't need step by step instructions. I'd really appreciate any tips or opinions though.

Second question, I already have a fridge that I would like to use as a parts donor. The problem is that I killed it a few months ago. I was drilling a hole in the side and hit a compressed gas line (yes, I know it was a bonehead move). Can the cooling system from this fridge be repaired by myself or a professional? If it's possible for me to repair it, what would I need to do?

Any help is greatly appreciated. If you live in the LA area.......I've been known to trade free beer for favors