
Our MS802(UK) has been clicking for a while. It would spend up to 1minute clicking then stop. It was freezing and refrigerating fine though and Hotpoint told me it was the frost-free mechanism breaking up ice...sounded dubious but it was working.

This weekend it has started displaying -- on the freezer temp and beeping the warning. After hunting down a pdf on the web (and finding it has extra info the supplied manual doesn't) I now know that also happens when you turn the appliance on for the first time, when
•the appliance is connected to the power supply after
prolonged disuse.
•the freezer compartment temperature is inadequate.
•the quantity of food to be frozen inside the
compartment is such that it will cause a temporary
increase of temperature.
•the freezer door has been left open for a long time.

Now it hasn't been defrosted in the 13months we've had it.
It was used a lot this weekend (summer=barbecue)

The freezer compartment just doesn't seem to recover from this state.

Further reading of the manual makes me ask for any tips on how to:

•Clean the condenser using a vacuum cleaner,
remove the front kickplate
•The refrigerant system pipes are located near the
defrost pan and can become very hot. Periodically
clean them with a vacuum cleaner.

Any other advice is welcome.