Guess I thought sharing a familiar story would help me feel better. Stopped by regular parts house 15 minutes before closing time Weds. 7-08. 20 mins. later left with manager who locked up as we left. 15 feet outside shop door was a pile of broken glass and a missing passenger window. I found 6 - 1in. ball valves and two circuit boards on the ground. What I didn't find was my 50lb. pouch we all have...every tool we need to live plus the " custom " tools we all make up to get the jobs done right. Lost 2 Fluke meters, new Brute Plus manifold 4 valve with 6ft hoses and ball valve ends. Add to that a new 7cfm pump...and please don't cry with me....a new set of Testo 1250 computer gauges. is a hard thing to swallow but , after 17 yrs. know it is only a matter of time. To add insult to injury, I have my " dream truck " sitting at the mechanic having all my special perks..air horns, strobe warning lights, computerized complete audio GPS dash unit, rear camera and the best alarm system money can buy. At least I will be ready for them the next time. The police couldn't understand why I was so calm after losing approx. 4700.00 in equipment. Oh yea...can't claim on insurance or won't be insured next year. Told them in a world where you get shot over not having a dollar in your pocket, I got off cheap. Supply company never blinked. Whatever I needed was handed to me over the counter with not even a signature. Just a pat on the back and a cold beer out of the private fridge. Catch up later was all that was said. the " pros " reading this, we all hurt a bit cause we all know it happens. To the " rookies " out there...remember YOU ARE NOT SAFE ANYWHERE !!! This would have shut down a small new guy. Make sure you bury the expensive stuff, keep the extra locks on no matter how much a pain in the ass it is to put em on...take em off. And most important....stay friends with your parts guys. They can sure make a bad day a lot better if they help put you back on the street. Contacted Tru Tools and informed them of theft in case the jerk doesn't know how to use the program manifold. By serial number they may be able to catch him. So...they are only tools...they can be replaced. You can't fix a gunshot wound as quickly. Be smart !!