First of all, what a great forum this is! I have a question that is probably not on topic and I've probably posted this in the wrong forum, so apologies in advance if this is the case.

I've just had a survey for 2 3.5kw Daikin heat pumps. I asked about wiring to the back of the plug socket and the AC engineer said he would resfuse to do this as he's not an electrician.

The AC engineer said a quailfied electrician may consider wiring two spurs of the main ring but thought most would advise replacing the old-style fuse board with a split circuit board. Either way, he says I'll need an electrician to install two weather proof outdoor isolators ready for him to undertake the AC unit installation. I'm based in the UK btw.

In the past I've a tendency to get ripped off by tradesmen so I'd be interested to know how much I should I expect to be paying for this work by an electrician:


(a) two spurs off the main ring (assuming this is safe to do with two 3.5kw inverter units running concurrently) and cabling with installation of 2 outside and indoor isolators


(b) an upgrade of the fuse board to a split circuit board and cabling and isolators for the two 3.5kw inverter units.