hello. i would like to operate my dorm sized unit
at a higher temperature range than it is designed
for. i have a regular fridge for freezing and refrigeration
and would like this one to be more of a "cold pantry?"
or something to keep bread and fruits etc in without
it getting down into the 40s F.

i expected to be adding a resistor or something so
that i can have the unit cycle less, but i found that
the 0-9 temperature controller that i already have
turned all the way down is actually some sort of
silver metal rod that is being bent or drawn down
to some sort of ~thermistor-ish effects.

how can i get this gadget to not work so hard?
i tried setting the fridge to run 15 minutes on /
15 minutes off with a timer and it STILL gets
really cold even on "1" !!!

btw, the sensor is the metal wire that is encased in
a white plastic sleeve. i suspect that cutting this
rod down shorter will of course change the
properties it reports to its wiring but i dont know if
that will hurt or help me. also, i realize i could remove
the plastic protection/insulation so that this sensing
wire picks up and carries back more of the cold off
the coil but i dont want to hurt anything in there
by acting without any information!

i have already made sure that the wire is running right
across the transmissions of the evaporation coolant
paths but it still goes down into the 40s rather than
just like the 60s at most.

thanks! im hoping i can just remove the plastic sleeve
from the sensing wire so that it feels its colder than
it is!! and then maybe i can maneuver it so that i
have a useable range to use its temperature control
