I've been wondering lately, I have quite a new PC with a high spec, but the problem is, the faster the component's and CPU's that go into PC's and motherboards - the more heat they chuck out.

I was thinking, Is it possible to find a working fridge, and disassamble it, and using the parts to make an A/C system for my PC's case, my main questions are:

1) Is it easy to connect all the components and copper tubing?
2) Is it a safe thing to do, IE, fire risks? electrocution?
3) How easy is to 'gas-up' the system? (I need a friend who is a refrigeration engineer...)

I visited the tip a few weeks ago, and there was what looked like a compressor/fan/radiator unit there, painted black, looked nice...
I only wished I got it now!
What are the chances of finding a working compressor, for free, or very cheap?

Thanks in advance!


PS, this was posted in the refigeration section, but I just noticed that there was a A/C section, lol, sorry about that!