I've just inherited a just-out-of-warranty Hotpoint RLA54P. All that's wrong with it is that the thermostat's gone sticky. I bought a replacement generic thermostat, and I'm all set to swap it out. Five minute job, right?

Problem is, I can't get the old thermostat out. I've done this fix before with older models and the capilliary normally just pokes down a hole in the plastic of the top plastic moulding (the lid) and butts up against the evaporator. On this one, the capilliary seems to be fixed to a point at the rear of the fridge - I've given it quite a hard tug and it won't budge. I can't see any stratgtforward way to get access to the evaporator other than to burrow into the insulation on the back of the fridge, but that can't be right.

I'd appreciate any tips on how the capilliary is fixed in newer versions of this model, and how I can get the broken thermostat out.