Hi all, I have a school project and I need to calculate the overall cooling load of a given office building. I already calculated the exterior and interior cooling loads, however when I calculate the infiltration load I find q to be well over 100000 Btu/hr. and that cant be right.

So here is what I have. 0.5ACH from 8am to 6pm, and 0.2 ACH the rest of the time. The site is Denver Colorado in July. I have been using the formula

q=4840(cfm)(deltaW). From the Psychrometric charts I found the indoor W=0.0122, and the outdoor W=0.029. so the difference or delta W = 0.0168. And I get a value for unoccupied + occupied = 6830.21Btu/hr.

my total cooling load was calculated to be 36015.09Btu/hr. This factors in people, appliances, radiation, and heat transfer through the walls and roof.

I understand there is alot more you need to know before you can give me the exact answer, however a ball park estimate would work.

First of all does this sound relatively close? and is there some other factor I am overlooking??

any help would be appreciated


Mechanical Engineering