don't have any service stories yet so you will have to do with a wind up story,

Last year i was working back in the UK on an ex mod nuclear bunker conversion, I think 10 months underground (wasn't that bad) must of affected us because the various trades started playing little triks on each other

for some reason the AC engineer was not amused and being 6'6" made it known not to mess with him

That weekend I was playing air soft (paintball) with some friends, you could buy smoke grenades, and for a tenner they had the mother of all smoke grenades, which i promptly purchased

The outside units had been installed in the top of 2 service ventilation towers, the engineers had struggled to get the units to the top of these towers, they where accessed by one ladder onto a gantry then another to the top of the towers, the units where installed inside the towers,

Now a fast AC engineer is a very rare thing to see, but when he saw smoke bellowing out of the top of the tower, he treated us to a rare display of speed, I think it took 5 minuets for his heart to start beating and to stop swearing lol,
what astonished us more was that he saw the funny side, very rare indeed for an AC engineer,

you got any stories of mischief?