I have been asked by one of our customers if it is possible to build a couple of small environmental rooms. These are to test the storage of aerosol canisters. They want to run the rooms at 40C and then bring back down to 20C. There will be two rooms approx 2.5 x 3.0 metres. Both require to run independently of each other. The problem that I have is I can’t find any equipment small enough to look after the rooms. Naturally small splits are out as they will not go upto 40C. Ducted systems are too large for these rooms and start at 5KW. I need something that is still what I would call basic control, not controlled by a microprocessor, preferably that can have electrical heaters fitted to them. Does anyone know of anything that is on general supply in the UK. I have tried the usual Airedale and IMI but they do not have anything to offer.