G'day guys,

I have got this evacuation unit off my friend to sell, (I think that it what it is called) and was wondering what it was worth.

I have put it on for $1000 NZD just as a starting point as I don't really know what it's worth, but if somone could give me a rough idea that would be great.

Here is a link to the auction which has a a couple of pictures and some information which I got off the unit.

Hmm, damn thing won't let me post a URL as I havn't done many posts. Well if you look up trademe in google and go into it then put the auction number 181097721 in the search box it will come up.

My mate brought a bulk load of various equipment so I'm just selling this for him, don't need to get top dollar for it, just need to get rid of it really.