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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Not so sunny coast (BC Canada)
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    Need help to move to Zealand!

    I have a friend whom lives there, and he is in desperate need of help where he lives, and I am sick of the BS here in BC, it's a match made in heaven, unfortunately immigration system ISN'T!

    Now life for me has been a really ruff start mostly worked odd jobs here and there so I have no real official work history to put down on paper, most here tell me I'm more then enough ready to just jump in as a first year apprentice!

    So I will take their word for it, now what I need to do is figure out how to get a company interested or how do I go about getting the process started? I tried the immigration site for NZ but that left me more confused then I all ready was! I really didn't think that was even possible!!!

    I'm right now in Canada BC, Gibsons, V0N1V7, I've tried to find a Consulate with no luck, with that info you should be able to narrow it down very close to where I am.

    Aside from a very serious drive to work and learn further in the refrigeration field what ells would immigration be interested in? What can I do to improve the odds and such?

    Or how do I start to get a work visa? I've never been out of BC be for let alone country, so I am hopelessly clueless to this sort of stuff!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Re: Need help to move to Zealand!

    Mate, let me start by saying I've read a number of your posts, and they were frequently quite just.

    You seem to me to be an intelligent young man, gathering knowledge at a good pace in a field that is crying out for labor, so if you want to work you're pocket will always be well lined, no matter what country you live in.

    Think carefully about your reasons for wanting to try a new country, and don't go thinking the grass is always greener on the other side, because there are always reasons for this that may only become apparent once you are on the other side!

    Now to answer your question I am sure that there is an Internet site for immigration into Newzealand with a questionnaire no doubt to get you started, why not try there.

    Good luck

  3. #3
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    Re: Need help to move to Zealand!

    More importantly, go to NZ for a holiday (vacation) and see if you like it.

    No point in uping sticks only to find that the lifestyle, housing, wages, social life etc don't suit your needs.

    Oh, by the way - the beer is crap in NZ

  4. #4
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    Re: Need help to move to Zealand!

    Quote Originally Posted by frank View Post
    More importantly, go to NZ for a holiday (vacation) and see if you like it.

    No point in uping sticks only to find that the lifestyle, housing, wages, social life etc don't suit your needs.

    Oh, by the way - the beer is crap in NZ
    I never liked beer so I'm safe there That and a very good friend is there whom needs help with maintaining his land, I all ways tell my friends I'll do any thing in my power to help! The fact both our life goals happen to co-onside so well is another help He is an electrical engineer by trade and we both have an affinity for building!

    Expat, indeed they do have a web site, but it has left me even more so confused then when I hadn't been there! I'm hoping to get some first hand experience from people who've actually don it! and thus taking out all the un-needed words that politicians are so fond on adding to make a simple process convoluted to the extreme!

    Thank you for both your replies, hope fully we can net some whom have made the full move and can get insight into what realy happens as oposed to the web site!

  5. #5
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    Re: Need help to move to Zealand!

    Dont assume the grass is greener here because I doubt it is. As someone already said have a holiday first then have a holiday in aussie on the way home, aussie is a
    great place its a country that seems on the up and up with good working conditions and some really great people , they also seem to have less rules and regulations than NZ, I worked there for a short time and really enjoyed it.

  6. #6
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    Re: Need help to move to Zealand!

    i applyed for my residence to Australia, once i got there i had a bit of a shock, it took me two years to get sorted to go, it took me 2 days to get sorted to return.
    I know Australia isnt NZ but the attitudes the same!
    All the red tape stopped me gaining suitable employment, i had to start at the bottom of the ladder again, crap wage/no overtime rate/old van - i could go on. best advice is to get a working holiday visa first.


  7. #7
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    Re: Need help to move to Zealand!

    Quote Originally Posted by chris96 View Post
    i applyed for my residence to Australia, once i got there i had a bit of a shock, it took me two years to get sorted to go, it took me 2 days to get sorted to return.
    I know Australia isnt NZ but the attitudes the same!
    All the red tape stopped me gaining suitable employment, i had to start at the bottom of the ladder again, crap wage/no overtime rate/old van - i could go on. best advice is to get a working holiday visa first.

    After working in both countries I can tell you everything is worse in NZ as far as working conditions and pay and red tape go, and its about to get worse as the Electrical board is reviewing and tightning up the rules so if you dont have your own blue and yellow card you have no chance of being employed, previously you could work under a managers or supervisors card

  8. #8
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    Re: Need help to move to Zealand!

    I doubt they could out do bc in regs, here it is the same, infact they teach you electrical in the entry course. thats why I'd like to do the rest of my aprenticmans ship there so that I'd have all the Nz regs as well as BC ones.

    Our government in Bc has mastered making red tape FOR the red tape!

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