What was old adage" bad workmen blame their tools" and conversely even a good tool in inexperienced hands wont show much result! Its how you interpret what it's telling you.!

I go along with general theme of all posts above ... halide was good for CFC/HFC in sheltered area, not much use for transport on side of road repair! soapy bubbles still relevant too and will have their day out!.

Another post spoke of Uv dye of type that needs torch, -not visible 'dayglo' to naked eye types which leave a mess. Ok for certain case too.

For electronic, have had very good results with the Inficon D -Tek consistently. Yokogawa was also a good brand but I have not followed it's progress. Some of the other well known name brands were not so satisfactory , at least earlier on. They may all be improved today but I must say , go with what you know and that's D Tek for me.