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Thread: F Gas Audit

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2024
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    F Gas Audit

    A few months ago I got my company registration for f gas for a sole trader. This allows you to purchase refrigerant, recover and dispose of refrigerants etc. As my work was mainly sub contract I have used refrigerants and recovery supplied by the air con companys I do the work for.
    A few months later I've received a randomly chosen f gas audit notice.
    They are asking for

    3. Copies of your F-Gas handling procedures on the following topics:

    a) Health and safety issues: including hazardous material handling, the hazards associated with working with F-Gas and the steps taken to reduce/manage these hazards;

    b) A full step by step procedure for leak checking equipment;

    c) Written confirmation of what is done with all recovered refrigerant AND a copy of example consignment note;

    d) A written explanation of how equipment should be labelled: even if you only install new equipment which is already labelled you must be aware of the legislation surrounding this and what must be displayed on ALL stationary equipment containing F-Gas. This can be a photo of the labels you use if easiest;

    e) Any other procedures

    Knowing how to do the work is good but putting together a concise and easily understood explanation of risks,procedures etc is difficult. ( well I'm finding it difficult)
    think ive got writers block🤔.
    Ive been online for a few hours trying to find stuff that I can copy and of course save for any future information requests.
    I let someone borrow my f gas course notes and the guy has misplaced them.

    Has anyone been audited recently and have any suggestions on complying with their requests.
    Any help or advice would be gratefully accepted

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Southampton, England
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    Re: F Gas Audit

    Been audited a couple of times, it's not as bad as it looks!
    I've emailed you a load of risk assesments I've had kicking about for yonks - I picked whatever one of those were suitable.
    Refcom has a sample weighing scales self calibration log so use that and fill in the blanks.
    I had to include 3 jobsheets showing how I followed F-Gas procedures so just make sure to include bottle numbers and all the jazz so it's actually written down what you did. I have a habit of doing it right but not going into chapter and verse on a jobsheet but for an audit that's what you need.
    It does look like it's updated a bit because I had nothing about F-Gas labels.
    Health and safety first..........unless I'm in a hurry.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2024
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    Re: F Gas Audit

    I cant see any emails or messages

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Nottingham UK
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    Re: F Gas Audit

    I'm having to close this thread due to a persistent spammer.
    Please continue to correspond via pm and email as you are currently doing

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