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  1. #1
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    10 commandments of NH3

    I've lurked here for a time, finally registered. Came to ammonia refrigeration as an electronic tech. I put food on the table as a tech for 30 years. Company I work for had an opening in utilities and I signed up for it. I had been helping them with PLC and drive issues for a while. Been in refrigeration (RETA CIRO) for about 5 years now.
    The original crew (myself included) is getting greyer. The younger guys they are hiring, haven't broken any where near the amount of stuff I have. Humor is a great training aid, almost as good as pain....

    I am sure you have seen this (or similar) before:

    Ten Commandments of Electrical Safety
    (1) Beware of the lightning that lurks in an undischarged capacitor lest it cause thee to be bounced upon thy backside in a most ungainly manner.

    (2) Cause thou the switch that supplies large quantities of juice to be opened and thusly tagged, so thy days may be long on this earthly vale of tears.

    (3) Prove to thyself that all circuits that radiateth and upon which thou worketh are grounded lest they lift thee to high-frequency potential and cause thee to radiate also.

    (4) Take care thou useth the proper method when thou taketh the measure of high-voltage circuits so that thou doth not incinerate both thee and the meter, for verily though thou hast no account number and can be easily replaced, the meter doth have one and as a consequence bringeth much woe upon the supply department.

    (5)Tarry thee not amongst those who engage in intentional shocks for they are surely non-believers and are not long for this world.

    (6) Take care thou tampereth not with interlocks and safety devices, for this incureth the wrath of thy seniors and bringeth the fury of the safety officer down upon thy head and shoulders.

    (7) Work thee not on energized equipment, for if thou doeth, thy mates will surely be buying lunch without thee and thy space at the table will be filled by another.

    (8) Verily, verily I say unto thee, never service high-voltage equipment alone, for electric cooking is a slothful process, and thou might sizzle in thy own fat for hours on end before thy Maker sees fit to end thy misery and drag thee into His fold.

    (9) Trifle thee not with radioactive tubes and substances lest thou commence to glow in the dark like a lightning bug.

    (10) Commit thee to memory the works of the prophets, which are written in the instruction books, which giveth the straight info and which consoleth thee, and thou cannot make mistakes.

    If it was for NH3 what would it say?

    Ten Commandments (or more) of NH3 Refrigeration Safety

    (1) While Ammonia is a wonderful gas for refrigeration and finding cuts, it is a poor choice for breathing. Always have your PPE at hand when you find yourself in a situation where it may be released.

    (2) Never trap liquid. As soon as it realizes you have it contained, it will escape and show you its affinity for the water leaking out of the holes the pipe created in your anatomy when it exploded.


    Many Thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Re: 10 commandments of NH3

    Know all the reasons that your compressors can cut out. Many of them are safety cut outs and simply cancelling an alarm and initiating a restart should not be the first response.

    The great number of gauges and instruments on your circuit are all there for a reason and often are not enough. Be aware of what each measures and what each should read and be wary of any unexpected deviance.

    Lift a head phone as you walk through a machine room. Odd sounds should be thought of in terms of "something ain't right". Loud sounds from piping definitely means "something ain't right".

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Re: 10 commandments of NH3

    Ten Commandments (or more) of NH3 Refrigeration Safety

    (1) While Ammonia is a wonderful gas for refrigeration and finding cuts, it is a poor choice for breathing. Always have your PPE at hand when you find yourself in a situation where it may be released.

    (2) Never trap liquid. As soon as it realizes you have it contained, it will escape and show you its affinity for the water leaking out of the holes the pipe created in your anatomy when it exploded.

    (3) Know all the reasons that your compressors can cut out. Many of them are safety cut outs and simply cancelling an alarm and initiating a restart should not be the first response, or it may become your last response.

    (4) The great number of gauges and instruments on your circuit are all there for a reason and often are not enough. Be aware of what each measures and what each should read and be wary of any unexpected deviance.

    (5) Lift a head phone as you walk through a machine room. Odd sounds should be thought of in terms of "something ain't right". Loud sounds from piping definitely means "something ain't right". The Chance of being deaf is much preferred to the chance of being dead.


  4. #4
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    Re: 10 commandments of NH3

    Thanks Steri!
    I added a word or two..... Hope it gets long enough I can't keep up ;0}
    I will post it in the engine room !

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Re: 10 commandments of NH3

    Ammonia does not like dilettantism
    jest dobrze ale nie jest najgorzej

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Re: 10 commandments of NH3

    Quote Originally Posted by gesi View Post
    Ammonia does not like dilettantism
    Had to look that one up��

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Re: 10 commandments of NH3

    Quote Originally Posted by RANGER1 View Post
    Had to look that one up��
    Me too.


    .. ... -. .----. - / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . / --. --- --- -..

  8. #8
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    Re: 10 commandments of NH3

    Had to look it up also!
    "The meaning of DILETTANTE is a person having a superficial interest in an art or a branch of knowledge : dabbler. How to use dilettante in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Dilettante."

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