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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Rep Power

    site power limits

    I'm expanding a lot and work and moving things around

    with the help of the refrigeration engineer I always used I've bought and collected two used freezers, one to be used as a blast freezer and one as a storage freezer

    final setup will be...

    blast freezer with two 30hp compressors
    storage freezer with two 15hp compressors
    fridge with a single 10hp compressor

    the problem is I'm on a 100amp mains power (3 phase 240v)

    this is a seperate supply to the main factory supply (also 100amp)

    the 30hp compressors are 55amp startup 30amp run

    the 15hp will be 28amp and 15amp, the 10hp 18amp and 10amp

    that gives me a total of 100 run amps for the compressors alone, no fans, no heaters, lights etc. etc. an ignoring the startup amps (and ignoring the fact I don;t want to run 100amps continuous from 100amp mains supply)

    does anyone have any clever ideas for the best way forward? my refrigeration engineer is a bit stuck and going to ask around.

    I like the idea of a pumped brine system, easier to control compressors coming on/off, hopefully extend run times, cooling controlled via zone valves, brine can be used where it's needed etc. etc.

    but he's a bit worried about that, and so am I after a google, it seams like hardly anyone uses brine for low temperature, it's just used for medium temperature

    I'm a strong believer in keeping everything as simple as possible, I'm not too keen on a central control system, I'm worried if there's a problem with it then I'll be stuck with no cooling at all

    I forgot to ask him, but could I buy more evaporators to match the 30hp systems, then have the two 30pm compressors/condensers systems run two evaporators, each having one in the blast freezer and one in the storage freezer? (demand controlled via the solenoid valves)

    that should give me more than enough cooling in each area individually, and just enough if they run everywhere at the same time? (they're all oversized)

    thanks for reading, any ideas/input is greatly received!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Rep Power

    Re: site power limits

    Upgrading your incoming power supply would be my suggestion.

    If not feasible, maybe inverter drive for compressor that would lower the start current, with a suitable control system you could limit their run current based on total current draw.
    Mostly found in Oxfordshire, UK :)

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