I have a scenario where an existing system requires it's single multi-scroll pack is to be replaced. I'd like to offer a future-proofing strategy by having two, twin-scroll, condensing units that are initially teed together on the existing ring main.
In future, when they consider replacing the evaporators, they could then install two ring mains, with a condensing unit on each, and give them some diversity/redundancy.
With two condensing units on the same ring main, would I need to install balancing lines between the units at all? If so, where?
My initial thoughts were that I would need to balance the pressures in the two receivers - in the top to balance the gas pressure and in the bottom to balance the liquid levels.
Would appreciate anyone's thoughts on this.
I have seen this scenario only once before and have vague recollections of a balancing line connecting the two in some way - just can't remember the details.