Is it normal for the temperature of my suction line to "decrease" as it goes down stream toward the compressor?
The reading closest to the evaporator is 36f so that seams right for 507 at 70psi. However down stream past the accumulator near the suction valve it reads 33f. The 30 ton compressor seems to be cold in a lot of spots as well. More so than how my other compressors run. Last time I brought this system down to my target temp (31f RSW) a large part of the compressor was frosting. It's a semi-hermetic Carlyle.
Are these indicating an overcharge? I recently added a 25lb bottle.
Am I in danger of flooding back if the refrigerant reaching the compressor doesn't have a couple of degrees of superheat (which would be 30f at my 70psi suction pressure "507")?
Thanks for any help. It may be hard to reply (on fishing boat at sea. Spotty internet)