I am interested in how folks feel about the all-aluminium brazed coils. This technology seems to have gradually crept into the high volume, low cost market, as far as I can tell.

Repairability must be tough.
What about corrosion?

As far as I understand things, much of the reason for this aluminisation has been performance & cost.

Copper extruded multiport tubes
A great deal of research has gone into extruded copper multiport tube technology over the past years.
1. One process was never fully commercialised, due to tolerance stability issues. I was able to successfully braze coils with this technology, however.
2. A second process has been limping along for some years, but suffers from many difficulties.
3. These tubes anneal during brazing, become very soft - a design issue.

New copper composite multiport tube
I have been developing this technology for some years. Interest has now been shown by a large industry player. If the market volumes are realized, this technology could be in compact, high-performance coils, within 12-18 months. These tubes actually strengthen during the brazing process. Very high pressures can be managed.

It is also possible to create hybrid brazed copper-aluminium coils.

Please let me know your experiences with these modern aluminium brazed coils.

Kind regards,