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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    United Kingdom
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    Keep disagreeing with bosses decisions!! Anyone in the same boat?

    My boss keeps making silly decisions on things I recently went over to a pub with an old style hubbard cellae cooling system thats not cooling down. No gas in the system the compressor reviever set has rusted that you cant even open the service ports with the square key one i managed to open and had 10psi on the high side of a 134a system. The system is old now and I Believe that there will be further issues elsewhere other leaks etc and mt boss is saying to replace the compressor reciever set then pressure test the system wheres id replace the whole lot. The customer is not going to want to pay for the work if it has further issues after and have even asked me about a whole new system. But still my boss thinks he knows best and wants me to try and pressure test the system before changing anything now which isnt possible due to the rust preventing me from closing the valves off.

    Why oh why cant people just listen I am going to end up moving job again after just 2 months here. I dont like putting my name to stuff that could go wrong afterwards and i full well know I will have the blame.

    I recently went to another job that was low on gas and my boss had been there prior to change the lp switch and when i pressure tested it that is where the leak was from. 4 more turns I got on the nut. Didnt have the heart to tell him thats what was leaking but now I wish I did might bring him down a peg.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2012
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    Re: Keep disagreeing with bosses decisions!! Anyone in the same boat?


    Just do your job and be truthful to your boss.
    If you don't like his way of working, there are
    options open to you but it might result in you
    leaving and moving elsewhere.

    Make sure you explain your thoughts and make
    sure the customer deals with your boss, that way
    it is his decision and he can explain it to the customer.

    Some companies and some working practices don't suit
    all people and ultimately your choice is to stay or leave.

    Hope it all works out.


    .. ... -. .----. - / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . / --. --- --- -..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
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    Re: Keep disagreeing with bosses decisions!! Anyone in the same boat?

    Its difficult when other options make more sense than what you are being told to do, all you can do is offer your opinion and hope the boss goes with it, but keep in mind he may know things you don't such as the pub owner intends to sell the pub soon but hasn't told the staff etc. Or they may be bad payers and your boss wants to limit his potential losses if they don't pay.
    Mostly found in Oxfordshire, UK :)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
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    Re: Keep disagreeing with bosses decisions!! Anyone in the same boat?

    Sounds like you have already made your mind up that you do not really like working for your current boss as you are unable to accept his decisions, whether they are right or not or you would not be openly seeking reassurances from others.
    Just accept that we all make decisions at times that, with hindsight might not have been the wisest.
    At the end of the day, he is the boss and he pays your wages.
    Mobile A/C at its best, see avatar.
    Bedford. Now retired and trying to relax.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    NTH.QLD Australia
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    Thumbs up Re: Keep disagreeing with bosses decisions!! Anyone in the same boat?

    Ben23. Your Employer might be going through some personal issues. ( Marriage, financial, Family etc.)
    Having been an Employee for just 8 Weeks, my advice is to use your young and relatively care free dedication to your advantage.

    Use your training and do the best you can with what you have available. Follow up on call backs as no Customer will pay for something that doesn't work. This experience will build your Confidence and test your ability for future events.
    Last edited by mikeref; 09-02-2017 at 08:19 AM. Reason: Monkey Spanners. Can't give you points. Boss has set a limit.
    To the optimist, the glass is half full. To the pessimist, the glass is half empty.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
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    Re: Keep disagreeing with bosses decisions!! Anyone in the same boat?

    An old Chinese saying: When there is a doubt, there is no doubt!!

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