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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
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    Being a helpful Engineer can have disastrous effects on your Health and wealth!

    Bear with me guys this could be a long one!
    Basically a colleague and I were talking to a highly Experienced Electrician on a site last Year
    Who like his colleagues used to work for a National company a very well thought of company I may add! But through no fault of his own got TUPE'd. Sound Familiar!
    So these guys cover Supermarkets, Schools Offices. etc,

    What I was told has changed the way I deal with "While you are here could you just have a look at that bit of kit forever!"

    Basically this is a true story which is relayed by me second hand so there may be slight inaccuracies. But the main points are not!


    A colleague of said Electrician is at a Vets to look at / check some Electrical items. Whilst there He is asked as a favour to look at one of those rise and fall Tables that the Vets use to Inspect / Treat the Animals.
    When He is underneath this Table it Malfunctions / collapses onto him crushing him Badly. Whilst in Hospital receiving Medical Treatment, a member of Company Management arrives with His Contract and Paperwork saying "Sign Here, You are Sacked!"
    Having lost his Job, His House, His marriage and finally access to his Children (I believe?)
    HE Committed Suicide.
    All because He was diligent and Helpful!

    I still say "Yes I can Help You" to my customers but nowadays I
    Add "Provided my Manager Says I can.

    The above is a brilliant pacifier to an irate customer who wants rules bent to suit his needs.
    Explaining I will do the job for him within a safe and legal framework where both parties win.
    This happened in the UK by the way!

    Last edited by Grizzly; 13-03-2015 at 08:39 AM. Reason: pressed the wrong button to early

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