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  1. #1
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    company in administration (so im told) what to do next

    Strange problem this one !!!!

    company I worked for effectivly shut down on 4th July, all engineers sent home with the only explaination that company going into administration. Since then had NO contact with anyone, no phone calls, no letters. Company head office phones off and emails bouncing back. Tried company house, they have no record of company in administration or closed. I now have a new job so that side not a problem but I do have my old companies van, with tools and stoick sitting in my drive still over a month later !!!!!!!
    checked on the direct gov website and the van no longer has insurance so tempted to park it on road and call police as an uninsured vehicle. My problem is, I have no idea who the administators are so cannot get a P45 or anything. Any ideas where to go from here ?

  2. #2
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    Re: company in administration (so im told) what to do next

    First, the P45.
    Ask your new employer for a P46, have a look HERE
    If you been in contact with Company house, ask them who your previous employer's accountant is/was. He (or she) should be able to help you getting the original P45.

    As to tools and Van,
    Personally I would be inclined to return it to the owners last known address (i.e. the head office of your previous employer), for this purpose a 24hrs insurance policy could be obtained allowing you to legally drive it. I would then post the keys through their letter box, having a witness recording the state of the van and the fact that you returned the keys on video.
    If the van is left on an industrial estate late one evening I wouldn't be surprised if someone managed to break in to it and steal all the tools and other useful stuff. Sadly as long as the toe-rags in question don't advertise or sell the stuff on the Police is powerless against these type of break inns...


  3. #3
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    Re: company in administration (so im told) what to do next

    Daily insurance people that came up on the top on google



  4. #4
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    Re: company in administration (so im told) what to do next

    One question...

    How long had you been with them?
    How many engineers or employees were there?
    What are the others doing?

    (Maths sucks )

  5. #5
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    Re: company in administration (so im told) what to do next

    I would do but im already going to be out of pocket as was on monthly pay so being stubbon i am thinking why should i fork out to insure the van, pay for diesel (150 miles worth as the light is on) AND pay for a train ticket home which last time i went down there was £50 !!!!!

    just getting really ####'d off with it now. I accept this happens, companies go under etc but I am just annoyed that ive had No information at all

  6. #6
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    Re: company in administration (so im told) what to do next

    only been there 9 months after being made redundant from my previous employer before them (I must be a bad omen !!!!!)
    Think there were about 40 employees in total
    More or less all staff on the engineering side now got job, it was quite refreshing to see how many vacancies there are out there at the moment, especially with that amount of people going into the market at the same time

  7. #7
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    Re: company in administration (so im told) what to do next

    As an employee you are a creditor, you should receive information on how to claim what is owed to you. The van belongs to the company/administrator, once you know who it is, then contact them. You may want legal advice to clarify if you are responsible for the safety of the van and tools, my own opinion is to remove all tools to the relative safety of your house while you wait to hear from the administrator

    Mostly found in the southern part of this green and pleasant land.

  8. #8
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    Re: company in administration (so im told) what to do next

    yeah but how long should i have to wait for the administrator to contact me or any of the other employees. Its over a month now. i appreciate it will probably months to sort everything out but just a note or something telling us who it is shouldnt be out of the question. :-(

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    Re: company in administration (so im told) what to do next

    Have a look here...

    Try the Insolvency Practioner link you may be able to track your company's name through there or at least get some further advice.
    Brian - Newton Abbot, Devon, UK
    Retired March 2015

  10. #10
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    Re: company in administration (so im told) what to do next

    Not sure i'd let them have the van back if they owed me wages etc.

    All the administrators will do is spend any money the company has left on meetings, photocopying, and posting stuff to tell you they have spent all the money. Had this with company went bust owing me £600.
    Mostly found in Oxfordshire, UK :)

  11. #11
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    Re: company in administration (so im told) what to do next

    You need to start reading between the lines...

    Quote Originally Posted by essex boy View Post
    I would do but im already going to be out of pocket as was on monthly pay so being stubbon i am thinking why should i fork out to insure the van, pay for diesel (150 miles worth as the light is on) AND pay for a train ticket home which last time i went down there was £50 !!!!!

    just getting really ####'d off with it now. I accept this happens, companies go under etc but I am just annoyed that ive had No information at all

  12. #12
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    Re: company in administration (so im told) what to do next

    Personally, I would take all of my own possesions (wink wink) out of the van, Park the vehicle off my property as it is not my responsibility, as I don't work for the company anymore, and post the keys back to the office (registered mail) with a covering note telling them where it is parked and awaiting collection.

    Any of the company's tools left in the van after you have taken all of yours out (wink wink) may still be there for the Liquidators to sell after they collect the van, providing that the van doesn't get vandalised and broken into while it is not on your property awaiting collection.

    There is a good chance that the diesel might just get siphoned out of the tank as well (wink wink) if the Liquidators leave the vehicle for any length of time unattended before they collect it

  13. #13
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    Re: company in administration (so im told) what to do next

    I had a similar situation years ago, i was subbing to a company and i had to use their van ( signwriting etc: ), any way they went bump and i still had the van, they owed me £2500, so i flogged the van for spares and believe it or not i never heard anything about it as the company owner had fled the country. food for thought. i would definitley not give them anything back without getting your money. and i would defo have the tools away. if the company has not left any forwarding contact details the chances are you and them are the only ones who know there are tools in your van. they are hardly going to be worried about a few quids worth of tools. sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

  14. #14
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    Re: company in administration (so im told) what to do next

    well just had another email from company house, their liquidation depatment still has the company as live and have had NO correspondance to doubt this, this the boss may have done a runner !!!!. Frank, ive already spanked the diesel anyway. there was on 1/4 tank when I came home on the last day and have used it round the village till the light come on. Trouble is,I always believe whatever the situation that two wrongs dont make a right, so although ive taken all my tools out and put in my new van, the old companies tools etc are still in situe. May however have to take youre advise about parking it up somewhere and posting keys back. Sure i can find a car park in cambridge that £4 and hour to leave it in :-)

  15. #15
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    Re: company in administration (so im told) what to do next

    Quote Originally Posted by essex boy View Post
    Sure i can find a car park in cambridge that £4 and hour to leave it in :-)

    A similar thing happened last year.
    My son bought a house from a neighbour a couple of streets away as the neighbour was emigrating to Australia, wanted quick cash and sold the house for way under the market value..... While we were on site renovating and altering the house, there were plenty of 'visitors'... Police, Bailiff's Debt collectors etc, all looking for the previous owner.

    A few weeks later, we had a visit from a finance company rep who was looking for the people carrier. My son said, "as he's gone to Australia some months ago, why don't you look in the long term car park at Heathrow"?

    Some time later, the same guy rang to say thanks, they had found the car in the long stay and wouldn't be bothering us again!!

    Wouldn't have liked to have paid the bill to get the car back

  16. #16
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    Re: company in administration (so im told) what to do next

    I was in the same situation about twenty years back. I was paid with cheques that bounced so i just stayed like all the other guys as the was no contact with the company and they`d just disappeared off the face of the earth.
    I decided to keep the company car in lieu of monies owed until a guy the size of a brick s^%t house called one night asking for the keys. I informed him of my intentions regarding the wages owed to me but I was then told the car was the property of a finance company and if I didn`t give him the car he`d go to the police and I could then be charged with theft.
    I never did get any money even after seeing a solicitor who said I`d be wasting my money as the company had gone bust and the directors could not be traced.
    So, just be careful what you do as you could be giving yourself even more grief than you`ve got now.
    Having said that, I`m sure you handed back all the tools and equipment the last time you were at the office so there` would only be an empty van for them to pick up. ;-)

  17. #17
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    Re: company in administration (so im told) what to do next

    We are hearing the words "administration" . There are different types of insolvency. It may well be the company has gone into Liquidation, ie: run out of money

    The best place to find out is the London Gazette , where it will be published first.

    Check Companies House, web check next to find out whats happening.

    The court will be apponting an insolvency practitioner who will be collecting all the credits , ( money owed) and the assets, ( your vehicle included) which may very well be on some hire purchase-leasing arrangement.

    Please be careful how you deal with the vehicle, get some advice from the police or dvla on your predicament with the van, ie: how you dispose of it. As you are in custody of the vehicle you owe the company some duty of care, the last thing you want is for it to backfire on you in some way, cover your tracks so to speak.
    Any opinions, statements and facts expressed in this message do not constitute legal advice in any shape or form and is given for a general outlook in nature. You are advised to seek appropriate and specific professional assistance from a regulated and authorised advisor for definitive advice.

  18. #18
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    Re: company in administration (so im told) what to do next

    Park the van up, and post it's location on here in cryptic clues and we can all do a wacky races number and the winner gets the contents (if there are any)
    Tool's ? check ! Condom's ? check !
    If you can't fix it , f*ck it !!!

  19. #19
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    Re: company in administration (so im told) what to do next

    I've the Hiace packed and ready to go boss.

    Mostly found in the southern part of this green and pleasant land.

  20. #20
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    Re: company in administration (so im told) what to do next

    Agree totally here.
    Quote Originally Posted by monkey spanners View Post
    Not sure i'd let them have the van back if they owed me wages etc.

    All the administrators will do is spend any money the company has left on meetings, photocopying, and posting stuff to tell you they have spent all the money. Had this with company went bust owing me £600.

  21. #21
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    Re: company in administration (so im told) what to do next

    well thats that, the van has finally gone today. Was reposessed by a company acting for the vehicle finance company so out of my way now. Still no news from company and no one heard anything about going into liquidation/administration 6 weeks on, looks like the boss has just shut up shop and done a runner without doing anything. Certainly not gonna get anything so just written it off now as no assets within the company. Oh well, hey ho, life goes on

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