youll have to clear out some of ur mucky mags(in your case screwfix/toolstation/machine mart) then u can get shiny tools,but do not fear my friend-you can put your mucky collection on ur pc,problem solved!pat haha
Quote Originally Posted by simon@parker View Post
errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr mr chillerman am sorry but i dont wanna feel yr love lmao sorry cant help myself i become fixated i apollogise if i have over stepped it a little torq wrenches oooooooooo like the sound of that but since i have a postman pat van am very limited on room dont even have a quarter of my tools on van an i can only get 2 gas bottles in an thats with a shoe horn an crow bar only been moaning bout it 2 an half yrs will start on the wrenches 2moro will have them in tie for my retirement lol might go for flare spanners as well just to cover all bases lmao