Hey Guys,

Over the last week I have been searching and researching everything I possibly can in and around the Refrigeration and Air Con Industry. I have spent many hours on these forums reading almost every post (there is alot of posts on here!)
Why I do this is because in my recent first post I explained that I am looking to leave the Army after 12 years (hard) service in Petroleum Engineering (Operator) but now have found myself with almost no trade and pretty redundant.

The Industry/Trade that seems to excite me the most Is Refrigeration Engineering. From what I can speculate, the job requires that you get to travel around alot. You get plenty of hands on and there seems to be alot of job satisfaction. That kind of work suits me down to the ground.
But to make the great transition from the services back into normal civilian life is a massive commitment and I cannot dive in without knowing I will be making the right decision.
I love the inspiration you guys and certainly this forum has given me to start to move forward and know with a clear and precise mind that I will be making the right decision. But there are still doubts in my mind and I know it aint all smelling of roses and everyone gets a free cupcake after work everyday!

So if you guys wouldn't mind taking just a few short seconds out from your busy day just to help a guy out and let me know a few more things. As alot of the posts i read that have the answers are quite old and I wouldn't want to spend all day doing Post Necrophilia on threads that are 10 years old as things have changed since then. Again guys I really appreciate your answers and your time on this Thank you!

1. How do you see the recruitment levels in the industry in the next 2-5 years?

2. Job satisfaction is my main goal. But like everyone at the end of the day it still has to have the money factor or why would be working at all? I fear that after completing apprenticeship (£10,000pa) what would be the average earn? I see it can range form £20k - £40k depending on overtime?

3. Refrigeration Engineer seems to be a wider spectrum than just "I fix a fridge!" but I am finding it hard to find what different divisions there are within the trade. What is good/bad division to get into? (i.e Commercial/ Industrial/chiller AC only?)

4. Finally, could you please put down some of the most negative aspects you think there is about coming into this Industry. Rather than going down another path.

I really appreciate every reply and apologise if you think I am just repeating stuff that is already been posted in the past. But I think a lot of it is a bit outdated.

Thank you guys!!
