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  1. #1
    vscorpio's Avatar
    vscorpio Guest

    Ariston BCS 332A (or 8332A) fridge snow!

    Hi to all!
    I have this fridge/freezer combi working well for 1 year and then the fridge temperature started warming (15°) so I call an authorized maintenance company who replaced the thermostat (with a similar one) but from that moment on the fridge started icing on the internal back wall and in few days there were almost a couple of centimeters of ice on it! I called back the same guys who replaced the thermostat with another one but...nothing the "snow" problem showed again...the third time these guys told that there could be a serious problem on the compressor which would be very expensive to be solved. I actually think that they installed wrongly the new thermostat so that it does not touch the cooling or that in any case it does not feel the proper temperture and, as a consequence, it keeps the compressor still working!What do you think about it?
    Can anyone told me where can I find the service manual in order to try to fix it myself?
    Thank you in advance.

  2. #2
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    Re: Ariston BCS 332A (or 8332A) fridge snow!

    Phone ariston and ask for their spares department, they should be able to send you a correct stat for your fridege.
    They may refer you to one of their agents. If generic parts are giving problems its best to get an OEM part.

  3. #3
    vscorpio's Avatar
    vscorpio Guest

    Re: Ariston BCS 332A (or 8332A) fridge snow!

    Thank you for your reply.
    Actually I found on internet that the correct thermostat is coded C00282040 and it is my intention to buy one and install it myself. I just guess if anyone can sent me the relevant service manual or where can I find it.

  4. #4
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    Re: Ariston BCS 332A (or 8332A) fridge snow!

    vscorpio, on your refrigerator thermostat is Ranco K59 P3102. The compressor is turned off, or run continuously? Desirable photos of snow in the fridge.

  5. #5
    vscorpio's Avatar
    vscorpio Guest

    Re: Ariston BCS 332A (or 8332A) fridge snow!

    Hi andrlif, thank you for the info!
    The compressor run conitnuosly and the tempererature in the fridge reach -7°.
    About the "snow", I don't have any picture but it starts as an simple ice cover on the back wall (I think in correspondence of the colling tubes) and then, in few days it become higher and higher: when it reached 2 centemeters I defrost manually the fridge.
    The guys from the maintenance service change the thermostat two times without any result but the fact that when I call them the first time, i.e. when the original thermostat was still in, the fridge temperature didn't get lower then 15/17° makes me think that the problem is actually in the thermostat but they did not installed properly (at least the long sensor tube which should tuch the cooling device). I think that the sensor is not able to feel the proper temperature and, for this reason, keep the compressor running. What do you think?

  6. #6
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    Re: Ariston BCS 332A (or 8332A) fridge snow!

    I think that is unlikely that the guys from the maintenance service does not know how to properly install the thermostat. Capillary tube thermostat is introduced into a channel inside the cabinet refrigerator until it stops. Maybe thermostat model does not match your refrigerator.

  7. #7
    vscorpio's Avatar
    vscorpio Guest

    Re: Ariston BCS 332A (or 8332A) fridge snow!

    Probably you are right but my impression was that they were very surprised of what the saw (they indeed took a snapshoot of the ice/snow on the internal back wall!) and I think that since they have used a different thermostast maybe the thickness of the long wire/sensor is different and it could have been stop before touching the cooling plate and, as a consequence, the temperature is felt very difference. In any case, by reading the code of the thermostat that they used and that is installed now in the fridge, I search through internet and I found that it is a DANFOSS 77B (or similar) but from its technical specification I don't think that it can result in such a behaviour (I thing that it could result in a less or much cut-in / cut out temperature but always, as far as the fridge is concerned, higher then 0).
    What do you think about it?

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