
Recently I bought one Portable Air Conditioner, which works on heat pump technology. It is behaving strangely. see the description of the problem below.

1. Ambient temp and RH are 25 degree centigrade and 53%.

2. room size 130 square feet, room temp 23 degree centigrade, RH 56%, unit is on at 9:26 pm, unit temp set to 18 degree centigrade, cool air coming from front vents and hot air is going out from back exhaust.

The problem is at exactly 10:12pm exhaust hot air flow from back stopped and less cooling air is coming from front vents.

Automatically exhaust hot air from back started flowing at 10:20pm and cool air is coming from front vents. 8 mins exhaust air stopped.

compressor is always on during the process.

once in 35 min to 40 mins the unit is doing this process regularly. Some times this time schedule varies.

I thought it was defrost cycle, when I contacted company they said there is no defrost cycle in cool mode. Still they are finding what is the trouble with the unit.

What is the Trouble with the unit.

Thank you.