
Did you manage to find a clear answer to this problem.
I have a unit that does the same thing (Gree KFR-80)
It registers having been turned on, flashes a couple of times and turns off.
It happens only in cooling mode and only occasionally, pressing the on button a second time usually turns the unit on.

I also have not been able to obtain a manual for the unit or the controller, if you know of any links please post, all I could find was this sales spec brochure here (you will have to type this in your browser as I cant submit a link yet)
www . dealquip .com .au /brochure / 80pwnan1.pdf

I would like to get a manual so I can see how to adjust the defrost cycle (measured or timed?)
and I have also heard there is a static pressure adjustment on this unit. so I would like to see how to do this

Any info appreciated