Ever since i started doing this job I'e been told that pressure and temperature go hand in hand, pressure goes up so does temp and same thing for loosing heat. I am going to tafe now and im getting taught something differant. There can only be two pressures in the system at any given time regardless of the temp.

For argument sake we will say the system is running on R134a, give 10K subcooling and 10K superheat leaving evap and 12K superheat leaving comp. LP 241kpa and HP 977kpa

Therefore our condensing temp is 42*C and evap would be 4*C
dischage line is 42*C + 12K = 54*C BUT pressure is STILL 977kpa. why wouldnt it be 1370kpa???
liquid line is 42*C - 10K = 32*C while pressure remains at 977kpa???

On the other side
suction line is 4*C + 10K = 14*C / 241kpa instead of 379kpa

discharge 54*C 977kpa
condenser 42*C 977kpa
liquid line 32*C 977kpa
evaporator 4*C 241kpa
suction 14*C 241kpa

I can't see how that works out... can anyone explain it better then my teacher?