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  1. #1
    Mhoward's Avatar
    Mhoward Guest

    Hi im trying to get into Refridgeration and air Con as a job

    Hi sorry i dont know if iv put this in the right section?
    i basicly have worked on the railway as a thernit welder for the last 10 yrs. work died off and i have retrained as a spark(level 2 complete)(Just started level 3) i have part p and my 17th edition regs.
    Im just wondring how i get into this line of work?
    and what courses i would need?
    I see private trainers offer you the earth for a Nice big fee and im not sure there offering what you need? if that makes ne sense? they seem to say you need "Part P" "17th" "F gas" and off you go?
    hopefully you can shed some light on the subject for me .
    i live in the south west of the Uk Taunton
    many thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
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    Re: Hi im trying to get into Refridgeration and air Con as a job

    17h edition f gas 2391 inp & tst part p

    You need experience not a week or two course

    This might not be much help

    No disrespect my friend you may not have much work, I have a bro who does thermic welding for carillion and he is scint cause there is no work

    Refrigeration is ,I like to see as a specialist area people differ but I know different

    It is not an easy road but it is a good one

    Make your own choice

  3. #3
    Mhoward's Avatar
    Mhoward Guest

    Re: Hi im trying to get into Refridgeration and air Con as a job

    Thanks Quality
    Im doing my 2391 testing next month "Fingers crossed" i pass.
    So are you saying im nearly there with Quals? Oh and on another note Part P will be no more soon,There getting rid of it :S So i dont no how ppl will stand after that. There changing the Electrical Quals bigtime, soon to be a 4 year course . oh and i dont want to go thermit welding ever again

  4. #4
    Simmo78's Avatar
    Simmo78 Guest

    Re: Hi im trying to get into Refridgeration and air Con as a job


    I have seen alot of people try to get into this industry in form another, alot don't stick with it. The seem to have the wrong attitude most of the time. The right attitude and a will to learn goes a long way my friend.

    Good Luck!!!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Rep Power

    Re: Hi im trying to get into Refridgeration and air Con as a job

    Hi mhoward, I always find it helps when writting to companies for a job it helps to know how to spell refrigeration the right way!! good luck

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