Is it Sulfur or Sulphur?
I guess it depends upon which version of English You use!
Does anyone know where I could purchase some Sulphur Sticks?
Also known as Sulphur Tapers!
Reason being I was trying to trace several small but annoying Ammonia leaks on an Industrial system today.
Where the customer had spent many days trying to pinpoint the leaks.

Just like him, my colleague and I could locate the general area using Gods own detector ( Your nose!)
I also have a Electronic Ammonia Detector from America. A brilliant bit of kit! But not local enough in this instance!

I resorted to Snoop and Gotec leak detection fluids.
Still no good!
Then I realised anything water based would be useless with Ammonia.
Eureka! I remembered several Sulphur sticks lurking in the back of my toolbox.
10 minutes later and the leaks were identified.

These have gone out of fashion in recent years, but I still don't know of a better method for identifying Ammonia leaks- (small ones of course!).

So repeating myself can anyone help?
Google brings up loads in America. But I have yet to
find a U.K. supplier.
Cheers Grizzly