Question : We have a cooler at our faclity that is used as a freezer -5F and a cooler +32F. The way we do this is by duct work off of a low temp coil running in the next room into the room in question through the zero lock pannel wall for the low temp. For the higher + 32F temp there is a high temp coil in the room itself which we run and block off the duct work from the low temp coil. This seems to work for us but now they would like to store herring row in the room which requires a room temp of +17F which we can't get out of our high temp coil. Can we put a hole on the zero lock pannel to accomodate a fan to pull air in from the low temp room - 5F to reach this temp and maintain it without having to have any return air to the low temp room. The room we want to get to +17F is L=77'xW64'x28' and it is racked. Any input would be greatly appreciated thanx and have a good day.