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Thread: had enough?

  1. #1
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    had enough?

    for the last 18 months this section of the forum has been dominated by contracts going here and going there, guys getting TUPED from a 2 b and then to c and d. this tupe is a piece of ****e all it does is unsettle every one and give companies the balls to go for contracts that they really arent up to take on knowing that they will get guys from other companies.
    at least years ago companies tendered for a contract and when won it they could offer more money and get the cream of the crop with engineers wanting to move, all this TUPE ****e frightens supermarket guys into hideing,dilutes the workforce and have's us all working for peenuts, and as someone has said before on here, when you work for peenuts, you get monkeys!!

    sorry about spelling but had a few tyskies to many

  2. #2
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    Re: had enough?

    could not agree more ,but what i dont understand is why do companies go for these contracts at such low bids that they cant even break even

  3. #3
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    Re: had enough?

    Quote Originally Posted by coolhibby1875 View Post
    for the last 18 months this section of the forum has been dominated by contracts going here and going there, guys getting TUPED
    sorry about spelling but had a few tyskies to many
    I agree somewhat with what you say, but I'll add

    Up to the late 1990's companies had a lot of customers and contracts went from company to company, for the most part what you lost you gained somewhere else.

    Now days companies just do one or two big contract and if they loose that they loose it all.

    All your eggs in one basket...



  4. #4
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    Re: had enough?

    Spot on Guys.
    Facilities or contracting companies.
    Should really be known as Employment agencies, because that's how they behave.
    Sadly for those of us on the forum stuck within one of these companies there are few options.
    I know of one big contributor on the forum who has had the balls to walk.
    Good luck to him and those that follow.
    And before anyone asks, It is not for me to say who or why!
    Just take it from me there are alternatives sometimes.
    Especially if you are good at your job!
    Once again some good points guys!

  5. #5
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    Re: had enough?

    this the way its going and dare say will stay,to me it looks like you will end up working for the supermarkets directly either ems,city or arcus.we will all say by by to the good days of working with no interferance from prying eyes just constant big brother style work practises.constant pressure to reach stupid first fix targets,get everything running in 24hrs even though most of the parts you need are never stocked by most suppliers and take weeks to arrive.youre always reporting badly installed equipment from crap drainage to incorrectly installed energy saving equipment,but you know you are left to deal with it and try and get it to work as the customer wants it and is always told this will save them money and its all about saving money.i laughed my head off when i read the md of sainsbury saying ther was a lack of good engineers in the uk,no theirs not.there are thousands of good engineers they just got sick of being mucked around stupid by them and went elsewhere.i think most of us are sick to death with the way things have been going the only good point was the money you could earn now the are trying to stop this,the only thing that keeps me and proberly most of us in the supermarket game,well if thats the way its going to be its going to get alot worse for whoevers left.

  6. #6
    Brian_UK's Avatar
    Brian_UK is offline Moderator I am starting to push the Mods: of RE Site Moderator : and general nice guy
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    Re: had enough?

    Unfortunately we are our own worst enemies.

    Where do we go at the weekend to do the shopping?
    If we are honest we, or our better halves, will do most of the shopping at one or other of the main supermarket chains. Why? Because it is convenient and cheaper than the old local shop

    We do it when we buy a new car or van also, I suspect. Mind you, in the UK it's too late, we don't own a car manufacturer any more.

    Supermarkets do cheap because they screw every, but every, supplier for the cheapest price. Until such time as the suppliers, service companies, farmers et al can be brave enough and strong enough to stand up to this corporate bullying then the status quo is for us poor suckers to be shafted all the way down the line.

    I feel for you supermarket guys, especially in the present business climate, because you need to feed yourselves and your families and have a very limited choice in front of you.

    The national companies chasing these contracts are not interested in you or the quality of the end product, all they want is to see that "National Chain" name on their CV and to show the shareholders what clever boys they have been to 'win that major contract'.

    Why worry about next year, the next chain will be moving suppliers and the merry-go-round gets into gear again.

    Us, we get a new tee-shirt, maybe a shiny van but not a lot else.

    OK, rant over; you can go and get a beer now.
    Brian - Newton Abbot, Devon, UK
    Retired March 2015

  7. #7
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    Re: had enough?

    OK who wants to come and work for Eggs (supermarkets) Ltd?

    What we will do is sign up all the best supermarket guys, pay them all more than they are worth.

    Con all the supermarkets into paying us a retainer for the premier service that we fail to provide.

    Fail to deliver what we promised..........can't fail can it?

    Come on guys, don't you see the pattern? Play the game.

    Everything has a market value, and at the moment, ceteris paribus, supermarket refrigeration has a deluge of "engineers". Only when this is paired down to those worth the title of engineer will margins return and the trade be rewarded with the prestige it is due.

    Just my thoughts, reflecting the number of "engineers" I see every day in various locations frauding their way through the day. Sleeping in lay-byes, travelling at 45mph on free flowing 70mph motorways, spending 45 minutes in the wholesalers holding up us small independent guys when 5 minutes is sufficient.


  8. #8
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    Re: had enough?

    same has happened in electrical trade you don t need to be electrician anymore just a 2 week course and pay a registration firm some money and do the work this is the goverments way of making us all safer makes me think why i spent all that money getting fully qualified in electrical and air con not to mention years of study and the sh** apprenteships its time our registration bodies started doing what they are paid for and protect the honest flly qualified engineers and refusing to register anyone who has not completed a good training course and not a turn up and here s your certificate and that will be £500.00 . sorry for the gripe back to my paperwork and invoicing

  9. #9
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    Re: had enough?

    have been out the supermarket game for a while the tupe thing i not heard happen in fridge game the only good thing is u keep yr old contract and t an c so get some good concessions an ya sorted if ya totally fed up get out go int building maint bit of air con few light bulbs the odd blocked toilet nice and warm as well pays not bad just a thought water chillers is good as well hope this helps

  10. #10
    nevgee's Avatar
    nevgee is offline Veteran Poster I am starting to push the Mods: of RE
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    Re: had enough?

    Nothing changes, supermarkets screwing everyone for the cheapest deal, facillity management companies doing the soft shoe shuffle with the building services, everyone chasing their bonuses.

    Who suffers? well we do as service providers trying to convince an end user that the FM co's are doing a poor service by following a fail and fix policy. and of course the equpiment suffers through lack of maintenance.

    It's an old story where the executive asks why their plant is costing megga money to run, when along comes bright idea to implement planned maintenance. He gets slap on back and promoted, then comes another bright chappy who sees the cost of maintenance and wonders why money is being spent on plant that seldom fails. He makes budget cuts and saves money for company, gets a big slap on back and is promoted. Then an executive asks why does the plant cost megga money to run... and so it goes on.

    I guess the moral of this is that the engineer has to be there ready and waiting to fill the gap while ever he can and, with effort, try to educate the end user to see the error of using, and the false economy of fail and fix regimes.

    Down side is of course the Engineer does such a good job he then has to wander around the plant looking busy because effectively he will have worked himself out of a job.

    Never ending story I guess.
    Reality is an elusion created by alcohol deficiency. Quaff and enjoy. [Yorkshire, UK]

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