Hi guys I'm new to the forum, I'm a sparky by trade and I'm about to start the TAFE course so that I can get my restricted split system arctick license. I currently have my trainee arctick license and I've been doing some casual work for a bloke doing some split installs under supervision.

The time has come for me to start buying tools and I'm curious about flaring tools - I'm looking at the BBK flaring tool for R410A at heatcraft, I've used one a few times (std. type) and it seems first class quality.

My dilemma is this - everyone seems to use the giant 'wingnut' style flaring tools, but I am drawn to the model that uses what looks like a std 1/4" drive ratchet handle to turn the tool. I was looking at one at heatcraft today and a fridgie that was picking some stuff up spoke to me about it and suggested against it because a mate of his had one and the ratchet handle had died after a 12 month thrashing. The other downside him and others mention is the extra room required to use it (?). I would be using it for domestic installs, and I think the ratchet handle would be a good thing if I'm using it all day as I don't want to get repetitive strain injury, been there done that and certainly don't want to get it working for myself. Price difference is maybe $40, but if this tool is quicker and saves my forearms from RSI I couldn't care less.

What do you guys reckon - to ratchet or not ratchet???